Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I Have to Stop Casting On

I have no pictures because everything lately is new and only has a few inches to show for all my efforts. I promise pictures soon. :) really

Lately all I do besides spend time with family and friends and ignore the house work is knit and think about ways to design, spin, dye or knit.

I totally lost my focus on my projects... :( really I tried. But the fact is when I dedicated myself to making stuff for the LYS and teaching then that took the front seat to all my knitting. I have to have examples ready for classes and when it is a two part class I need to be finished to the point I expect my students to understand don't you?

I casted on the Fab Classic and I'm almost ready to join the two shoulders together. That Wendy is amazing in her designs! I'm really enjoying watching this come together!

I also casted on Easy Lace Poncho in some lovely cotton/wool from cascade. I know...I know...but I love the feather and fan you poncho haters will have to forgive me.

Still working on the happy sweater. I have a sleeve and a half to go.

I ordered some natural indigo to try my hand at dyeing.

I'm going to hopefully be taking a summer dyeing and spinning camp class soon!

And I've been thinking about spending more days at the LYS. Yesterday I had two students come in and one finished her scarf! YEAH!!! I'm so proud of all of them! But I was fixing a blanket where the nice lady had dropped a stitch while showing someone how to cast on while *deep breath* talking another nice lady through picking up stitches and it dawned on me...this is why the owner never finishes anything!

So, I guess I will give up my "me" time and give it back to the community. I love helping out so it is all good! :)

Well, that is my little update. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have pictures of one of the projects for you!

Happy crafting,



Carol & Christine said...

Busy, Busy, but you sound really happy. I think thats such a blessing. As long as you're okay with not having as much time as you used to for your own projects... you will never lose your luster for those UFO's.

Anonymous said...

I've never known you NOT to have about five million things going on all at once. Aries, anyone? :)

Nana Sadie said...

So you're becoming a process knitter? lololol...sounds as if you're in your "zone..." loving it all. And that's a good thing. Just remember that giving too much and not stroking yourself (with me-time) can cause burnout, no matter how much you love what you're doing...remember to take gentle care of YOU!