Thursday, November 08, 2007

Always at the Very Last Minute

“It is while trying to get everything straight in my head that I get confused.”

-- Mary Virginia Micka

I love my little squat white pumpkin. I thought it very ghost-like for All Hallow's Eve.

I took Samhain off this year to get my life in order and feel like I have a little bit of control again. And it worked. I have found my center even if I am still a day late and a dollar short with everything it doesn't change who I am...and I will always be a gal who does everything important last minute and by the seat of her pants... it's in my genes...imbedded in the very fabric of my DNA.

Speaking of fabric...I just finished a shawl that I really enjoyed making and totally never got a shot of before it went to live at the LYS. So I have been knitting. This month I am not starting any new projects. I need to complete a few of these WIP' the hat I was designing in the spring. It has gotten cold enough here that I wish I had a hat. And I could wax forever about why I waited until the last minute to work on it...but you see its who I am.

Ah well, I hope to have something nice to show you after I finish the blanket from hell. I hate that some designers don't check their drives me from here to next Tuesday when a pattern is wrong. So DH and I sat at Mc Donalds and charted this blanket after I ripped it out. Mc Donalds is one of my favorite places to figure out patterns 'cuz my son can happily play while DH helps me from going insane.

So said blanket has been ripped, recast and two repeats have been successfully done from my new chart. The LYS owner is happy with my results thus far but truly I'm just not feeling it.

So since I don't do so well with goals that are high in number I will pick three:
1. Finish this blanket so I can work on another WIP
2. Go to Starbucks and knit by their roaring fire while drinking something yummy
3. At least find my hat and pattern and see where the heck I am

So, until next time...happy crafting!



Nana Sadie said...

I'm in love with that little ghost pumpkin, too! The white ones appeal to me so...
Glad you were able to "get yourself together!"

Willow Goldentree said...

I'm so glad you got to take Samhain off this year! Good luck with your goals. :)

Anonymous said...

You have a fireplace at your Starbucks?!?!? I'm so jealous.

Carol & Christine said...

I agree with John, fireplace at starbucks would equal my second home! How nice to have that getaway though!

Reflection gives us the momentum to pull out the UFO's and face whatever might have stopped us from moving forward earlier. Usually when we pull those things out, to face head on... they seem so simple and we wonder what was daunting us.

Have a Super Weekend!