Friday, January 28, 2011

On Idle

This week we found ourselves blessed with a lot of snow. I must have pulled something shoveling because I find myself having trouble typing and I couldn't hold a knitting needle either. So this will be a short post.

"Work is not always required ... there is such a thing as sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected."
-- George MacDonald

I had a day and 1/2 off due to the snow. And during that time I got nothing accomplished. When I got home I was cold and tired and just needed some R and R. So I spent time playing with my son and niece. Today I shoveled for three hours and that was it. DH was sick...and I was frozen and aching and...well...done.

We can't be moving all the time. We must take time to pause in between each great action to get our breath and renew our spirit.

This morning when I shoveled there was this great peace to the quiet day dawning all white and pristine. With my music in my ears, I didn't really mind the work. But after a while, I became wet and numb with the repetitiveness of the act of shoveling and realized this is an example of day to day life.

Many of us do the same things over and over until we become numb with the tediousness of it. It is only the pauses in between that make these tasks bearable. And when we ask so much of ourselves we must give back to our resources least we become depleted from our endeavors.

I used to have this terrible guilt when I just became lax on the weekend. But now I realize that this is a necessary part of the cycle. The things that need to be done are always taken care of. That goes without saying. But I'm taking more time to recharge instead of thinking that I have to keep moving 24/7.

I need to not let the guilt that crops up during these times affect me. It is so easy to fall into the trap of doing something for the wrong reasons.

As Imbolic / Candlemas approach I am reminded that once again I must bring forth my seeds from spirit and decide what I'm focusing on this Spring.

Air - I am going to finish my Queen of Hearts Shawl
Fire - I am going to find a way to work out with 6 people in this house
Water - I am going to learn when to pause and be still
Earth - I am continuing the path of financial serenity
Spirit - We are continuing to celebrate the full moons as a Family

Those are my goals. I hope to grow great fruit with them and have a bountiful harvest in the fall.

*hugs* to you all


Rue said...

"Many of us do the same things over and over until we become numb with the tediousness of it. It is only the pauses in between that make these tasks bearable."

This reminded me of a piece I read where the author was arguing that schools needed to help students find and follow their passions, instead of churning out legions of clock-punchers who would regard work as a necessary evil. It resonated....I wish I could remember where I saw the link.

Geraldine said...

I'm wishing you a bountiful harvest, in all these goals and plans R. I'm sorry to read about the pain/shovelling. I actually love the snow and even shovelling at times, great workout,but not too much! It can be a meditative process, just like any other repetition in life. And to be out in nature, in the fresh snow, the stillness(hard to find at times!)absolute bliss.

Take care and Have a Wonderful Weekend, G

Geraldine said...

Just stopping in to leave a hug. Happy Weekend R!

Birdsong said...

Beautiful wishes... Happy Imbolc. I believe that there is room for idleness as a necessary part of recharging, used to have far more trouble just being still, but now treasure those moments because I see things I miss when swirling around. I hope you didn't really hurt yourself shoveling and that you are all staying warm and cozy. What a winter!