Friday, April 02, 2010

I Am Worth It

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures."
-- Henry Ward Beecher

In Feng Shui, one can rearrange elements of a room to change the flow of chi through it. A stagnant space can suddenly become a haven of serenity by moving 27 items. Why 27? Nine is considered the number of longevity in Feng Shui, and multiplying it by three, the number of growth, will welcome in a continuous string of prosperous changes into your life.

We moved our living room around and focused on creating more flow and I am very happy with the results. I feel more relaxed now when I sit on the couch. I actually feel less sluggish and find myself getting in a dozen rows every night on the project de jour.

We’ve decided to not stop there. This summer we will have the room painted in a hue of violet or mauve. We had originally decided on a deep purple color but we think that now that we’ve opened up the space; the color should be full of serenity and light.

It is amazing what a coat of paint and a few alterations can do to bring new life into an area.

This weekend I want to get my hair cut to go with my new modifications. Last weekend I reached my original WW goal and I am in my skinny jeans again! Now I am on to the next goal which is the one the Wii has set for me. It wants me to have a good solid BMI and so do I. And I’m all good with that. I want to be a healthy weight.

Towards that end, I started carrying a Pokewalker. This is part of the new Pokemon game. It is a pedometer that you carry around with you all day and you can earn things for the game by how many steps you take. I saw this and fell in love…Pokemon and getting healthy…for me what could be better than that? My sister and son are doing it too. We had to get permission from school and daycare that he could carry it and not touch it during the day. But I think it is a wonderful way for us gamers to promote good health. Yay Nintendo!

So, this week I’ve been working on something I am really bad at…honoring my time. I do a lot of things pro bono. I honestly can say that I get two or three knitting emergencies a week that I help with and ask for nothing. I truly believe that friendship is a gift in itself and hate asking for anything more.

Those near and dear to me think that I should be compensated for my time. They believe that I’m dishonoring myself and the gift that I’ve been given if I give away my services all the time; especially if it stops me from completing something that I was working on.

I never really thought about it that way until last week. A friend and student of mine needed help finishing a prayer shawl and in the beginning, it seemed a simple task. So I added three feet on it during a movie marathon weekend of knitting and handed it back feeling it was a job well done…only to find that she wanted it to be 7 feet, not 5.

So this was okay. I needed to order more yarn (which she paid for) to finish the task and thank goodness for WEBS ‘cuz they had 7 balls of the stuff. The last remaining three feet took a little longer because I didn’t have another entire weekend freed up like that for just knitting. So at the end, I had worked 40 hours on the shawl and that didn’t count me actually being the one to start it all those months ago or me ordering the yarn to finish it.

When people have asked to pay me in the past I always have said, “I work for $5 an hour or barter of goods or services.” I think this is fair and I know others who charge more. Fixing a pattern is not always an easy thing to do and many times I have to rip it out and start it over. Most times I just ask that they buy me a drink at Starbucks or something small if they have to do something and it was a quick fix.

Equating my time is a very gray area for me. I found it very hard to tell my friend that it took 40 hours of work to finish her prayer shawl…and at $5 an hour…well, that was a lot of money. But after talking to many friends they argued that if I keep devaluing myself I will only hurt my self-esteem in the long run.

So we agreed on cash and barter and she was happy to have her shawl done to give to her friend and I felt valued as a knitter. In the end, it was a win/win situation.

But it was really hard to get to that end point. I don’t know why I find it so hard to ask for services rendered like I have committed some grave sin. I know if I go into town and ask for advice I will be charged $25 for 15 minutes of instruction at one of the yarn stores. Then my $5 for an hour looks pretty okay. This is just one of those areas I will really need to work on in my personal makeover.

Some actually knitting happened this week and I am in love with the way the dark purples seem to float in the air like lavender fields and the suri adds lightness and soft hues to the deep purple. This fabric is light and different then anything I’ve ever made. Since the yarns are both from Knitpicks; the colors match and flow with each other beautifully. The suri is so unbelievably soft. I really am pleased the way that this is coming out.

To those that celebrate Easter; I hope yours is full of family and happiness.

We are bringing a home cooked meal to the Assisted Living for my Mom and Dad. We are making one of those dishes that my Mother used to make for the holidays. I’m crocking a pork shoulder with veggies so we can be healthy and celebrate at the same time. I’m still working on picking a desert that is mid-ground.

Slowly all the pieces are coming together…how to meld everything so it creates a new reality. It takes work and time but like a beautiful piece of knitting; one day you wake up and there is a flow that wasn’t there before. You realize instead of struggling with every step that there is a give and take that creates harmony when you stop struggling and start living.

May your days be blessed with happiness,
We went to the circus last weekend. This picture really makes me smile. The elephants were really amazing. :)


Stitch-n-Snitch said...

You are soooo worth it! :)

Nana Sadie said...

YAYAY!! I'm so glad to see this post, to know that you're making this move...
(and congrats on the first goal being met with your weight!!!)

You're such a special person, I'm glad to see you valuing yourself. Now, question? Do I have to COUNT the 27 things in my living room to move?
Lavender...methinks it should be lavender in my living room...

rueyeet said...

You TOTALLY ARE worth it, don't you ever doubt it!

I'm glad you tied up (no pun intended) the situation with the prayer shawl in such a positive way, too.

I'm lovin' the Pokewalker. In just the two weeks I've been using it, I've gotten my daily step count from under 2K to over 5K a day! I'm looking forward to racking up some serious steps this weekend. :D

Love you siiiister! And Happy Easter to you and everyone, too.

Marlene said...

As you do so often, once again your post really hits home in a timely way. Most people respect my time, but there is one who comes to me wanting me to fix her knitting mistakes all the time (she's way over her skill level with the simple Revontuli shawl pattern so there are LOTS of mistakes). It's gotten to the point that I'm avoiding her. Maybe I should tell her I'm going to charge her in the future.

Congratulations on reaching a goal. I got my 10% key chain last week. Still have about another 10 pounds to go.

My living room has an awkward size and shape so the furniture only fits one way, but maybe I could add a fresh new energy by changing some of the decorative elements rather than the placement of the furniture.

Birdsong said...

Wow, I missed this post last week and it really makes me think... there are so many things that we get involved in, without thinking about what they take away from. Just spent hours on a grant proposal that won't really bring in that much, but it is a worthwhile project. This is a great conversation you are opening the door on!