Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Can I Get An F in Chat?

Today's title is something you say when someone/something dies in-game and you are paying respects.  Can you please say it for my clapotis?

Everything was going so well, as you've seen in the pictures.  But you see I realized that as I knit into my new ball that it was sock weight, not DK.  It looked so thin and sparse so I ripped that back to the join which was at this point, 14 rows back, and doubled the yarn.  It just looked wrong.

I tried to just ignore it but when one section is obviously doubled yarn and the other is all smooth I just couldn't do it.  It had to go.

I even tried to rip back two repeats but the drops didn't look organic enough for me anymore and I still didn't have enough yarn.

So I ripped the whole thing out even though I was on the last repeat section, because what else can one do?

Meet my new clapotis which I cast on last Wednesday, made out of Brooks Farms, Duet, a sport-weight kid mohair, and wool blend.  I got this at MD S&W many, many years ago.  It is soft and I think it is perfect for this project.

I'm not upset.  These things happen.  I tried my best to make it work and now I have just let it go.  I am happy with my new yarn that is very soft and nice to work with and I know this project will fly off my fingers and I will be back to where I left off in no time.

What project could you not save and had to rip?  In the end, how did you feel about your decision?

Happy crafting!


Safe socially-distanced hugs  🤗


Sending love and light to everyone being affected by this virus.  

May you be safe.  

May your loved ones be safe.  



Sending love and light to everyone facing discrimination, hate, prejudice, inequality, or racism.



Vixenpath is a safe space.

If you are:





Any race

Coming out


I am a safe person and I will always hold space for you in love and light.

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