Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Shadow doing his best to promote my creativity.

Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment.  
It fashions its own perfect moment out of ordinary ones. 
Bruce Garrabrandt

I have been struggling with taking an idea out of my head and getting it knit into yarn.  I have written and revised notes and charts and no matter what I did, something was

I know that creativity is not just your art or your hobby.  Creativity shows itself in how we take on the world.  In how we figure out solutions to problems in everyday life.  Creativity is cooking a meal without measuring because you just know how much to put in.  Creativity is how you schedule your day so that everything gets done.  Creativity is life hacks and DIY projects.  Creativity is running all your errands and getting the laundry done.  Every single day you are creating your life.  You choose where you are going and what you are doing for the most part. 

I understand that creativity is endless and just because something doesn't work at this moment, doesn't mean it never will.  We all know about Edison and his 10,000 ways not to make a light bulb. 

Today, I tried looking at my design from a different point of view and that changed everything.

Sometimes you need to back away and look at things from a different angle in order to see what has been right in front of you all this time.  Suddenly, the negative spaces made a pattern that clicked in my mind.  I swear I got tingles from my whole creative process shifting.  It was amazing!

I realized something else today that changed everything for the past few years, I have not taken the time to just sit with my creativity and let it be.  I've always needed it now, like turning on a TV and expecting it to serve whatever whim I am trying to create without taking the time to sit and listen and really just be part of a process.

I added creative meditation to my week.  I go where I am led with my creative process even if it is not what I had planned or expected for the week.  Sometimes it is knitting, sometimes it is cooking...but it could be organizing, or writing or anything that uses the creative process.

I find that then when I sit down to work on my patterns my connection to my inner creative voice is stronger.  The possibilities and solutions that I need are cleaner and more defined now.

My creativity has become a partner, instead of an energy that I call on when I need it.  I now see creative energy flowing through every aspect of my life making it richer and full of meaning.

I feel more connected to everything; nature, beauty, the light in people's hearts and the world around me.

It's kinda hard to explain but my knitting has more depth and flow to it.  Things that I struggled with, get easier as I open myself up to the process.  And in that moment, that "aha" moment, everything falls into place.

Bright blessings to you in your creative process,

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